Day by day, I keep telling myself, Im gonna keep tis blogskin for a LONG time and I keep failing, now once again, I CHANGED MY BLOGSKIN!!! OMG, when m I gonna kick tis habit of changing my blogskin all the time?! *conks myself on the head* Anyway, YES, I changed it again, and I'm gonna tell myself once again, I'M NOT GONNA CHANGE TIS BLOGSKIN CUZ I LIKE IT. OKay, see whether it'll get into my thick skull. Tis time, the theme of my blog has become more magical and I'm sure all of u find the music familiar, YES, IT'S HARRY POTTER'S THEME SONG. The very famous song that they like to play everytime the preview or something comes out. Tis blog has quite a magical feeling to it, and i lurve the kitty cuz its awfully cute (dun look at me with those weird eyes, it IS CUTE!!) I hope u all will like the change to my blog, it has changed drastically from the pass blogskin, if u haf seen the past blogskin of course... ANYWAY, I really hope tat u ppl will like tis blogskin and I willt ry my best to update and post more often and try my VERY BEST, to get into the habit of blogging, (yes I keep telling myself, okay I'm gonna rite a post today~ and I always fail doing so... I'm fickle-minded, I admit it) Well, as I always end off the post, please, please, please, TAG MY BLOG!!!! I'm getting so little tags, and u wun like me when im desperate, I noe u wun. Buhbye for now, if I haf time tomoro, I'll try to post.