Okay, i did not update for such a long period of time you all must haf suspected i haf abandoned my blog again. But, no, i'm not so cruel. I've just been unusually busy this month with all the hw, and preparation for exams and all (You: Excuses... Excuses...) It's the truth!!!! Anyway, seriously, throughout this month, nothing interesting has happened. O! O! Did I tell you that my drama o lvl lessons haf started? (You: Noooo Nooo) Fine, it has (I realised sumtin, I'm toking to myself... o.0 aw well, i was going crazy with the stress and studying, gess this proves it, I AM crazy.) I dunno whats up with me today, seems like i've gone hysterical but sumhow, I feel kinda... erm... i dunno how to describe it, bored n sad at the same time? I'm bored because I have nothing to do (You: isn't it obvious? o.0). And sad because I didn't get to follow Chin to church today... My mum didn't allow it, said I hafta study and focus more about studies, hope I'll b able to go after exams... *prays* I'm scared for exams too, I really wanna pass everything, however, geography and history I'm rather doubtful of it, however, I shall try my best and not give up! O yes, and I intend to change my blogskin once again although i really liked the one i haf now, but things change and so must I. I will try my best to find a good enuf blogskin to replace this and a video to add. Hope my next blogskin will turn out nice... Pray for me k? Hehe... Well, I beta stop here before I flood my post once again as usual, I noe that I always rite long spots to bore you people, hope you people dun mind... Well, toodles for now, await the change in my blog!