Hello~ I'm back, FINALLY~ Yes, it's been approximately a month... no? (well, if you read the date i wrote my ex-post, you will know. I blog like once a month, i always tell myself BLOG TODAY!! TODAY!! And, then, the moment i go online and see that very tempting rakion icon on my desktop, i forget everything else and logged in with a happy smile... How nice eh? I get distracted just sooo easily that i don't even understand why i get distracted easily...(o.0... Okay... That didn't come out quite right..) Well, at least be happy I finally found time to LOOK AWAY from the rakoon icon and bother about blogging... Well, nothing much happened this holidays!! Oh yah, HOMEWORK (I did a FEW don't worry...) It sucked, seriously, it did! The maths quiz was uber duper hard and i don't even UNDERSTAND what those questions are saying. I just stared and stared with a blank mind till i read like over 5 times then i started attempting to do it. It was hard, i had like so little correct! Not one quiz did i had ALL correct (well, i suck at math... Wait... I suck at EVERY subject.) The highest i got was 4/5... Well, it wasn't THAT bad, since it was done by a maths-deficiency student like me... (no offence to all the people who suck at math out there! I'm just reffering to myself. Please do not come and blast me with a grenade... I must be playing too much games... Which student would even HAVE a grenade.... Well, don't come at me with a chopping knife? o.0) As usual, this post is also gonna get flooded with irrevelant things ( i always go off point in blogging, i don't know WHY... And seriously i don't actually care. Since i don't have much happening in my life, must well tell you my thoughts... How interesting eh...=.=) Well, there IS one thing that happened in June... I went out with fio and jas! Hows that? Soooo interesting right? Yes, i know it is, now i shall tell you more. Well, first, i called Fio when i reached the Mrt station... I waited about hlaf an hour, before they SAID, THEY WERE ON THE WRONG TRAIN! I was like, WHAT?! WRONG TRAIN?! So, i told them to get the hell off the train and take the one on the opposite side. It took them super long, i tell ya. I almost thought the MRT was driven by some old man cause it was taking wayyy long. So, finally arrived and we decided to watch a movie. We actually planned on watching 'Just My Luck' (suggested by fio) But, we realised the movie is out yet, so we proceeded with watching 'Cars'. Well, it was really nice (I ate half the popcorn too =X) 'Cars' was really funny, me and jasmin was laughing our heads off. Fio did once in a while as well. (The guy behind us was laughing so loud we couldnt hear ourselves laugh! Fine, maybe it was THAT bad, but it WAS loud...=.=) And, when it ended we went to centruy squares, went to stare at the arcade's game 'House of the Dead 4' for a moment... (fio kept saying she couldnt see it) and after that we went to comics connection. I went into the arcade for a while, but decided not to play cause there were tonnes of people dominating that small little arcade. Then, after hat, we were about to go home, fio kept saying she was super hungry i kept persuading her to eat pizza hut or something, but she said she wanna go home and enjoy her sweet granny's dinner (awww...) so, after that took a taxi home, and well, continued using the computer and playing rakion till 11 and then my mum forced me to sleep... So, slept and all... Nothing much actually, started watching fruits basket recently as well, KYOU IS SO ADORABLE!! AS A CAT AND AS A HUMAN!! AHHH! =X (Okay... chill... relax... chilll) Oh yah, i'm changing my blogskin again (sudden urge to do so... Its my blog so i can do whatever i want with it) ^^ OKay then, better go look for a nice little blogskin and then change it... put music and i'll talk to you later on, which is probably ANOTHER monther =X Buhbye now~