Yahoo~!!! Im back!!! Its been a month!! Fine, a little more than a month... FINE ALOT. So? I UPDATED at LAST!!! And i changed my blogskin as well!! So be happy, at least i put in some effort to compensate for the few weeks! ^^ (okay, im like so way screw loose) Well, today... I have SOMETHING to write about... YAH FINALLY SOMETHING INTERESTING!! Yay~! So now, im gonna tell you about the very 'interesting' day... I'm sure wanna hear it... (im gonna force you to!! *evil laughter*)Im seriously going crazier each month... By the end of this year I'm gonna end up in IMH... Wait, i ESCAPED from there... Did i or did i not? I don't remember... AW WELL... I'm not that scary you know... I'm just... crazy... and im happy!! Its nice being happy...(how the hell is this related to the very exciting day im about to tell you? NOO IDEA...) Okay, back to the topic! Yesterday...A bright and er... sunny day(not quite but never mind)The whole school had... SPORTS DAY~! AINT THAT FUN? (what? Why are you staring at me with a face like =.=? It's not bad you know... Finally an interesting thing in my life beside homework and all...)So... It started out with us singing the national song as usual, the pledge... then the school song... Then a PRAYER... Then finally A HYMN and THEN, the national day speech... the whole sec two cohort were chattering like mad... Then we could go back and sit!! Yay~! But durin the siting time it was kinda boring as in we didnt do ANYTHING but talk and talk with the anime people... it was fun... And then i went to buy food to munch and right AFTER i finished the food... So, COINCIDENTLY, "Huuf and Puff" the segment I'M in had to start... I was all like " I JUST EATEN!! AHHH!!" You know what we had to do? Well, we had to hope in those gunny sack thingys... and then towards our teacher and dig our face into a plate of FLOUR to get a MEASLY LITTLE SWEET!! But, actually i didn't mind doing it. After all it sounded kinda fun. But, i didnt get to do it T.T... Aw well, never mind I shouldnt say what happened... It'll be kinda blaming someone else... And Im a KIND person so yah (kind? me? Who the hell are you referring to?) So after that we started stoning and talking once again and then it was prize-giving... We had to sit in that SUPER hot sun and listen to prize-giving! Seriously i had thought i was gonna melt!! So HOT!! They wont take pity on us students... The poor us... T.T So, after all that, we went to TM!!! And i went to cut my hair (note: I look EXACTLY the same, just my hair a little shorter) =.= Then we ate 'ajisen' and went HOME~! And well, i played audition till i went to bad and that was the end of my very INTERESTING day... How do you think of i? Interesting eh? ^^ Thats good, oh yah, those anime people out there who happened to unluckily bump into my blog... anime convention DEC 16!!! REMEMBER IF YOU DESPERATE TO GO TO ONE~! Well, buhbye now, wait for another month for another post~! (wheee) =)