Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Hello! (You've realised that each time i make a comeback my blogskin changes don't you? I hope you do... But since it's been so long seeing me I think you even FORGOT what was the last blogskin... Oh well, you can't blame me! I'm addicted to games and am too LAZY to post! Hey, be glad I'm honest okay! Most people don't admit it... But I do!! See I'm a good girl... Sheesh, what the hell am I talking about?) ANYWAY, i don't have much to talk about... Anime convention is on Saturday!! The PROBLEM is,*dramatic music please* I CAN'T GO!! *Dramatic music plays* Am, I unlucky or WHAT? Well, the reason: I'm grounded. Get it? GROUNDED! Why? Erm, results. Results return. They suck. Punishment=Grounded for two whole months. You know what that means? The anime convention is on december 16. I'm grounded till NEXT year... And the anime convention is THIS year. So...=I can't go. (Why am I putting so many equals? Since when did I like equations? I hate math... So why am I doing english equations? Cause it's fun? Nah, to cut short my sentences so I don't have to type too much because I'm lazy. =X)
ANYWAY, continuing my very annoying complains. I'm deprived of going to the anime convention. At this rate, I may just go crazy and tackle anybody with a spoon. This sucks. This seriously seriously sucks. And by the way, this blogskin? I just saw it. Took it. Paste. Yes, just one preview didn't bother looking at anything else (was too lazy actually) and used it. Basically of one reason, the song is nice. Well, I'm looking forward to NEXT YEAR'S convention. In which I won't be grounded anymore (Thank the lord).Besides, even if my mother FINALLY allowed me to go to the convention THIS year, I won't have anything to dress up with due to the fact that I have no time to prepare and go shopping because it was last minute. So, even if i can go i can't join my friends in the dress up because I have nothing to dress up with.
However seriously... I wouldn't mind going in casual clothes due to the reaosn that I can AT LEAST still be able to SEE my friend in their cool dress ups and be jealous cause I can't wear anything. But, aw well, it's better than nothing if I'm able to go. (Maybe I should beg my mother one last time and beg till she allows me. However, I don't beg. It makes me look pathetic... Wait... I AM in a pathetic state! However, I'm not good at begging cause I've never done that before. I only plead. Like plead for 5 mins, if it fails. Done, forget it. I won't do anything about it. Yes, that's JUST me.) HOWEVER, thank god I'm still able to use the computer (For the first few weeks of the holidays I couldn't. I got so paranoid I mistook the tv remote as my handphone. Yes, I did that. DON'T LAUGH. I said stop laughing or you'll be the FIRST i attack with a spoon.)
Well, other than not being able to go to the anime convention there's not much happening in my life except porridge lunches and bread breakfast (My mum has to work. I have live on my own. Which isn't that bad because I at least have FREEDOM and have nobody to nag 'Angelika ar, got drink water or not?' so I'm at filled wiht bliss and am eternally grateful for that. However, I'm still very depressed of no being able to go to the convention... *curses like a mad idiot* Okay... no cursing... Mind your language... NO CURSING... Be a good and polite girl.... NO CURSING. F***K WHY CAN'T I GO?!ROAR! I HATE MY LIFE! I HATE MY F***KING LIFE!... Well, calming myself down didn't work... Ended up cursing somemore. Okay I'll think of other innovative ideas... Well, time to bid farewell, another long post once again. I just can't kick the habit can i?
BLOGGED @ 12:20 AM