Sunday, December 16, 2007
Greetings! Yes yes, I'm back to blog again! I know, i know you all must be like 'this nut case doesn't blog for like months and then she suddenly just blogs like twice in a month?' HEY. HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A NUT CASE. Anyway, i decided to blog because I don't feel like playing high street 5. It's a great game by the way, you should check it out (I'm contradicting myself.) The link is >>> IF you wanna check it out that is. I was hooked on it for a while.
I'm sure I'll get hooked again. But, you know playing the game one whole day can get you kinda... bored. Okay, enough about promoting that game. After all you all can surf the whole web page (every single page. letters. mis-spellings. grammer wrongs. WHATEVER.) I'm currently blogging/finding a new hairstyle(I CANT FIND
ANYTHING I TELL YOU. *grabs hair and runs around on a mad rampage* )/Staring at Jaejoong pictures.
Fio fio went to Taiwan. T.T It's odd not seeing her Mihaeru-sama thing on my friends list... Oh well... she'll be back on the... 27th? Not sure. Oh ya. and i didn't get to go convention. YA. You know i was like sitting in the tuition center and my mind was like thinking, 'Ah... They're having so much fun at the tuition whereas dear sad me is sitting in this small tuition center listening to that guy in front drone on and on and on...' I was so bored, so sad, so pissed and well, I REALLY REALLY WANTED TO GO
When Angie came back from cosplay. She showed me some pictures! God, they all looked so COOL. Oh yeah, Joey if you bother to read my blog (because it always in-active you probably dont read anymore. Don't worry I'm fine with it.) JOEY, YOU WERE GREAT. REALLY REALLY GREAT.
OH AND ANGIE. YOU LOOKED REALLY REALLY GREAT TOO! STOP SAYING YOU LOOK LIKE SHIT. OR I'LL ER... ER... SPANK YOU. O.O Right. When i saw the pictures, i got even sadder that i didn't get to go. T.T BOOHOO. WHY? WHY MUST MY MOTHER DO THIS? Angie: Nvm, there always next year!! *hugs*
OKAY GUYS. Next year, I'm DEFINITELY going when 'O' levels is over (oh god. O lvls!! the HORROR. I'm not saying this sarcastically. I really mean it. I'm TERRIFIED. ) Yes, I'm definitely going. Not sure going as who. But, I'm GOING. AND NO ONE IS GOING STOP ME. (Hint Mother Hint hint.)
JOONGIE. YOU'LL SUPPORT ME YES? Joongie: *somewhere in thailand or malaysia (cause they were gonna do an interview there)* Yes, Joongie. You're busy too. I won't bother you. Last few words.
COSPLAY PEOPLE: ANGIE AND JOEY. You guys were great ^^ (Angie you ROCKED at dressing Sohee and Flo up :D) I'm so sorry I couldn't make it... I'm so sorry. Really sorry. Very sorry. JUST SORRY. T.T

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to A JAEJOONG FANGIRL'S BLOG *cheers and claps in the background made by only one person... myself.* *looks around and quickly regains composure (if any)* Ok, don't worry, just because I'm a fangirl, does not mean I use a whole blog post talking about my beloved. No. I don't. Trust me. *attempts to give assuring look* ANYWAY, I'm finally here. Ready to post another post after -insert number here- months. OKAY, Convention is on saturday! One problem though, (I always have problems with going to Cosplay Conventions. Goddammit.)it's on a saturday. Wait i'm not done. It's on a saturday AND dear me has tuition. (Yes. Now you can go OOOOHHH, if you want to that is.)
I can't cancel the tuition, because it's group tuition, so if i cancel the tuition that means there won't be make up for me because it's not private tuition one-to-one but group tuition and in group tuition there are no make up lessons. Yes, try to understand what I just said. So all in all, either I sneak out of tuition or go on my knees and beg mummy dearest to let me go. I think I'll choose the second. Except I wont go on my knees. That'll be stupid. Therefore, if i succeed I can stay at the convention for as long as I want as long as it's not till 12 midnight. (YAY)
BUT, the thing is that, what if i don't succeed and i don't get to go for the convention? Yes, thats what I'm worried about. I mean please I have never ONCE been to the end-of-year convention. That's very sad in my opinion, mainly because i want to go. So now, I have no idea WHAT to do. But, if i go, I'll definitely post pictures! XD
DEAREST. I'M SO SO SO SO (X10000000000000000000) SORRY. I COULDN'T MAKE IT FOR THE CONCERT IN MALAYSIA. I'M DEVASTATED. I REALLY AM. (shows Joongie the buckets of tears I've cried). I'M SO SORRY. I REALLY WANTED TO SEE YOU IN PERSON. (I think if i did, I would have been in a daze for the rest of the month or maybe longer. With you in my thoughts. Oh heck, you already ARE. =.=)

Ok thats it. BYE BYE. :D