Tuesday, September 02, 2008
HELLO! I come with exciting news (and a whole bunch of pictures.) Well, the pictures are long overdue (I haven't even uploaded those of Jua's birthday party yet! And that was erm... A million years ago?). Typical of me. I know. Exams continuing in... 4 days. Darn Prelims. I hate you, you know that? All you goddamn exams make my life miserable. Well, looking at the BRIGHT side, (I hardly do that by the way. As in if you see it the literal way. Oh, it rhymes.)I changed the song again. (It's Lifehouse-You and Me) You can go find it if you want. XD Today, it's PICTURES day. Pictures from Jua's birthday party, to our recent (Joey and Gelly) birthday party! One was at Ben and Jerry's pub. The other was at Ms. Clarity Cafe. Respectively. Had a big surprise with the Ms. Clarity Cafe one (I mean what are a bunch of manly guys (minus one) doing in a pink, overly girly cafe? I wonder who recommended that place... Who knows, it may be the 'minus one' person. Haha, the people who were at the party probably know what I mean. :D)
Here's the overall summary of the 'Ms. Clarity Cafe' party, BOOMING laughing, LOADS of camwhoring, three scoops of ice-cream (Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry) for a 'Birthday cake', one red candle, one blue candle and last but not least, Jua the make-up person. Oh, I missed out the loads of running round the table too, and the guitar.
JUA's birthday party comprises of well, basically the same thing (minus the three scoops ice-cream cake and candles, and the guitar, Of course she wasn't the make-up person (It's her birthday for god's sake.)
I'm currently waiting for the darn thing to upload. That's fifty pictures, ladies and gentlemen. I have a long way to go. DAMN. Oh if you want to see the original version of the pictures, just click on any one of the pictures and everything is there, big and clear (Excuse me for my shaky hands at some XD). For what's here, well, it's the small version. Thanks to the very limited space. =.=
Damn. It's taking so long. When the pictures are done, I'll post again. OR, you can go to the link >>>
Everything should be there... If anything's missing, you'll be able to see it tomorrow. :D Have fun.

JAEJOONG says bye too. XD
BLOGGED @ 11:36 PM